NTC Singles Ladder Play:
Interested in a little friendly competition? NTC will be offering a singles ladder. All members 18 years of age and older are eligible to play. Participating members must be willing to share a cell phone number and email address to enable other members to contact them to challenge them to a match. We will also ask players to self-rate their play in accordance with the Tennis Canada guidelines. Once we publish a list of participants, we ask members to reach out to players two above them or two below them on the ladder. You will be asked to report your scores to the ladder organizer and she will update the ladder weekly throughout the season.
If a member is not available to play in a match challenge within 2 weeks of being asked, the challenger is allowed to bypass them on the list to ensure no one’s opportunity for advancement is stalled. The winner will be determined based on the best of 8 games. The winner must win by 2 games. Deuces are played.
Each player is asked to bring a new can of balls and the winner takes away the unopened can. Participants are reminded to check the schedule to ensure your match does not conflict with scheduled leagues. Latecomers are welcome to join anytime throughout the season but will be asked to start at the bottom of the ladder. Remember, this is friendly competition. Be generous with line calls.