Nassagaweya Tennis Club Inc.
Constitution of October 22, 2021
Constitution of October 22, 2021
The name of the entity is the “Nassagaweya Tennis Club Inc.”, hereinafter referred to as NTC. NTC is a not-for-profit community tennis facility available for non-winter seasonal play only and is governed by an Executive elected by and composed of its members.
A. To promote the sport of tennis in the community
B. To promote the development of junior tennis
C. To develop an outlet for athletic and social events
D. To contribute to the development of the community
A. Duration - The term of membership is from the date of court opening to the date of court closing of the same year.
These dates are approved annually by the NTC Executive.
B. Membership Categories – Membership categories will be determined annually by the Executive.
C. Membership Acceptance – All prospective members must submit a registration form and pay annual fees in full.
D. Membership Fees – The Executive will determine a fee schedule prior to the start of tennis play each year.
The Executive may reward meritorious service to the community and NTC by awarding a lifetime no-cost membership. The Executive may reduce the membership fee for applicants demonstrating particular financial need.
All members who have paid their annual fee for the current year will be considered a member in good standing.
E. Guests - Members may invite guests to play with them at NTC and are responsible for the guest fee as determined
annually by the Executive.
F. Number of times a guest can play is at the discretion of the Executive and will be included in the annual Rules and Regulations.
A. Table Officers - The Executive of NTC shall consist of the following “Table Officers”: President, Past President,
Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership.
B. Other Executive Positions - The Executive may create and/or eliminate “Other” Executive positions as may be required for the NTC to meet its Objectives, subject to confirmation at the General Annual Meeting (AGM). All members (Table and Other) of the Executive shall have equal voting rights. The President shall abstain from voting except in the case of a tie vote of the Executive. All decisions of the Executive shall be by resolution, by a simple majority (51%) of the Executive members present and recorded in meeting minutes.
C. Elections shall take place annually at the AGM for a term of one year, except for the President who will be elected to serve for two years. Nominations for election to the Executive may be made in writing to the President or Vice-President in advance of the AGM. Nominations for the Executive will also be accepted from the floor at an AGM. Executive officers shall be elected at an AGM of NTC by a simple majority (51%) of the members present. Election shall be by a show of hands.
D. Vacant Positions may be filled through appointment of any “member in good standing” by the Executive and the appointment will be effective until the subsequent AGM.
A. President shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of NTC, summon and preside over all meetings, attend other meetings concerning NTC business when possible, and receive reports from Executive Table and other Executive members. The President shall represent the club in dealings with other associations and the Town of Milton and generally exercise such authority as required to protect the interests of NTC. The President will be responsible for the conduct of the AGM and will preside over the AGM, Executive and general meetings.
B. Vice-President shall assist the President and serve as President in the President’s absence.
C. Secretary shall take and keep all records, including Executive and AGM minutes. The Secretary shall be responsible for sending out advance notices and follow-up minutes of meetings.
D. Treasurer shall keep complete books of account, and receive and manage the care and custody of all funds of NTC as directed by the Executive. The Treasurer will present an operating budget and submit a financial statement and other financial statements at the AGM and Executive meetings as required. The Treasurer will submit the previous year’s books for a financial review upon a request of the Executive.
E. Membership shall be responsible for annual membership registration process, maintaining membership lists, and ensuring that members are equipped with appropriate identification and access to the NTC facilities.
F. Past-President shall support the President and the Executive in an advisory capacity and will assist the President and other Executive to recruit new Executive members as needed.
G. Other Executive members may include Chairs for Social activities, Tournaments, Communications, League activities, Juniors programs, Maintenance, House League, Organized Round Robins, and others as determined by the Executive.
A. Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in person or virtually by October 31st, of each calendar year. Notice of AGM shall be communicated to members at least 14 days prior to the AGM and shall include the agenda for the AGM.
B. General Meeting (GM) shall be called in person or virtually as determined by the Executive but in all cases in response to a written request signed by at least 10 members (in good standing) of NTC. Notice for a GM shall be communicated at least 7 days prior to the GM and shall include a copy of the request.
C. Executive Meetings shall be held in person or virtually at the call of the President but a minimum of 3 times per year. Notice for Executive meetings will be communicated at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
Motions and votes for time sensitive materials can be made via email as long as there is a quorum and results are noted in the next Executive meeting minutes.
D. Quorum required for an AGM or GM shall consist of 15 adult NTC members (in good standing) and voting shall be by show of hands and decisions subject to a simple majority (51%). Quorum for Executive meetings shall consist of 6 Executive members with at least 2 being Table Officers.
A. Fiscal Year shall run from January 1 to December 31 of that same year.
B. Financial Review of NTC’s books and finances may be undertaken by a party appointed by then Executive (not an Executive Committee member) at the end of each fiscal year and in advance of the AGM.
C. Signing Authority - Any two of the appointed signing officers (appointed by the NTC Executive) shall sign all disbursements and cheques.
D. Reserve funds surplus to annual requirements will be held in trust at a Canadian banking institution.
E. Contracts - The Executive may enter into contracts with individuals or associations for any purpose germane to the fulfilling the objectives of NTC.
This constitution may be amended by application to the Executive at least 21 days prior to the AGM, or by request of the Executive as a review of the Constitution. All changes must be approved at the AGM.
The Rules and Regulations will be reviewed and may be revised annually by the Executive. These Rules and Regulations will be posted in the Clubhouse and communicated to the membership at the beginning of the season and as deemed necessary by the Executive. An example of Rules and Regulations are attached as a guideline only and does not form part of the Constitution.
Example of NTC Rules and Regulations
The name of the entity is the “Nassagaweya Tennis Club Inc.”, hereinafter referred to as NTC. NTC is a not-for-profit community tennis facility available for non-winter seasonal play only and is governed by an Executive elected by and composed of its members.
A. To promote the sport of tennis in the community
B. To promote the development of junior tennis
C. To develop an outlet for athletic and social events
D. To contribute to the development of the community
A. Duration - The term of membership is from the date of court opening to the date of court closing of the same year.
These dates are approved annually by the NTC Executive.
B. Membership Categories – Membership categories will be determined annually by the Executive.
C. Membership Acceptance – All prospective members must submit a registration form and pay annual fees in full.
D. Membership Fees – The Executive will determine a fee schedule prior to the start of tennis play each year.
The Executive may reward meritorious service to the community and NTC by awarding a lifetime no-cost membership. The Executive may reduce the membership fee for applicants demonstrating particular financial need.
All members who have paid their annual fee for the current year will be considered a member in good standing.
E. Guests - Members may invite guests to play with them at NTC and are responsible for the guest fee as determined
annually by the Executive.
F. Number of times a guest can play is at the discretion of the Executive and will be included in the annual Rules and Regulations.
A. Table Officers - The Executive of NTC shall consist of the following “Table Officers”: President, Past President,
Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership.
B. Other Executive Positions - The Executive may create and/or eliminate “Other” Executive positions as may be required for the NTC to meet its Objectives, subject to confirmation at the General Annual Meeting (AGM). All members (Table and Other) of the Executive shall have equal voting rights. The President shall abstain from voting except in the case of a tie vote of the Executive. All decisions of the Executive shall be by resolution, by a simple majority (51%) of the Executive members present and recorded in meeting minutes.
C. Elections shall take place annually at the AGM for a term of one year, except for the President who will be elected to serve for two years. Nominations for election to the Executive may be made in writing to the President or Vice-President in advance of the AGM. Nominations for the Executive will also be accepted from the floor at an AGM. Executive officers shall be elected at an AGM of NTC by a simple majority (51%) of the members present. Election shall be by a show of hands.
D. Vacant Positions may be filled through appointment of any “member in good standing” by the Executive and the appointment will be effective until the subsequent AGM.
A. President shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of NTC, summon and preside over all meetings, attend other meetings concerning NTC business when possible, and receive reports from Executive Table and other Executive members. The President shall represent the club in dealings with other associations and the Town of Milton and generally exercise such authority as required to protect the interests of NTC. The President will be responsible for the conduct of the AGM and will preside over the AGM, Executive and general meetings.
B. Vice-President shall assist the President and serve as President in the President’s absence.
C. Secretary shall take and keep all records, including Executive and AGM minutes. The Secretary shall be responsible for sending out advance notices and follow-up minutes of meetings.
D. Treasurer shall keep complete books of account, and receive and manage the care and custody of all funds of NTC as directed by the Executive. The Treasurer will present an operating budget and submit a financial statement and other financial statements at the AGM and Executive meetings as required. The Treasurer will submit the previous year’s books for a financial review upon a request of the Executive.
E. Membership shall be responsible for annual membership registration process, maintaining membership lists, and ensuring that members are equipped with appropriate identification and access to the NTC facilities.
F. Past-President shall support the President and the Executive in an advisory capacity and will assist the President and other Executive to recruit new Executive members as needed.
G. Other Executive members may include Chairs for Social activities, Tournaments, Communications, League activities, Juniors programs, Maintenance, House League, Organized Round Robins, and others as determined by the Executive.
A. Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held in person or virtually by October 31st, of each calendar year. Notice of AGM shall be communicated to members at least 14 days prior to the AGM and shall include the agenda for the AGM.
B. General Meeting (GM) shall be called in person or virtually as determined by the Executive but in all cases in response to a written request signed by at least 10 members (in good standing) of NTC. Notice for a GM shall be communicated at least 7 days prior to the GM and shall include a copy of the request.
C. Executive Meetings shall be held in person or virtually at the call of the President but a minimum of 3 times per year. Notice for Executive meetings will be communicated at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
Motions and votes for time sensitive materials can be made via email as long as there is a quorum and results are noted in the next Executive meeting minutes.
D. Quorum required for an AGM or GM shall consist of 15 adult NTC members (in good standing) and voting shall be by show of hands and decisions subject to a simple majority (51%). Quorum for Executive meetings shall consist of 6 Executive members with at least 2 being Table Officers.
A. Fiscal Year shall run from January 1 to December 31 of that same year.
B. Financial Review of NTC’s books and finances may be undertaken by a party appointed by then Executive (not an Executive Committee member) at the end of each fiscal year and in advance of the AGM.
C. Signing Authority - Any two of the appointed signing officers (appointed by the NTC Executive) shall sign all disbursements and cheques.
D. Reserve funds surplus to annual requirements will be held in trust at a Canadian banking institution.
E. Contracts - The Executive may enter into contracts with individuals or associations for any purpose germane to the fulfilling the objectives of NTC.
This constitution may be amended by application to the Executive at least 21 days prior to the AGM, or by request of the Executive as a review of the Constitution. All changes must be approved at the AGM.
The Rules and Regulations will be reviewed and may be revised annually by the Executive. These Rules and Regulations will be posted in the Clubhouse and communicated to the membership at the beginning of the season and as deemed necessary by the Executive. An example of Rules and Regulations are attached as a guideline only and does not form part of the Constitution.
Example of NTC Rules and Regulations
- Courts and clubhouse will remain locked when not in use by members. Each member will be provided an access code and must not share it with non-members. Any player unlocking courts or clubhouse must ensure these facilities are locked before they leave.
- Guests may only play if a sponsoring NTC member is present. All guest names and date should be listed on the guest envelopes in the clubhouse and the respective guest fees should be included in the envelope. The envelope should be pushed under the back-closet door.
- NTC facilities are limited to tennis related activities only.
- If courts are fully occupied those members who have been on the longest time must surrender their court if there are other players who have waited for at least a half hour.
- If the courts are fully occupied those members playing singles must offer waiting players to join them if they have waited for at least a half hour.
- All members are required to keep the clubhouse and courts clean and tidy or lose playing privileges. No food, tobacco or drinks (other than water or sports drinks) are allowed on the courts at any time.
- No pets are allowed in the Clubhouse.
- Please return rollers/squeegees to the back deck and hang on the provided hooks to protect the rubber roller from drying out in the sun. Do not leave them hanging on the fences at the courts.
- All players must wear appropriate tennis wear, including shirts and non-marking soled tennis footwear.
- All players must exercise appropriate behaviour at all times in the clubhouse or on the courts.
- All players must attend to the rules for tournaments and other rules of play when playing in an NTC sanctioned activity.
- NTC reserves the right for sanctioned club activities to take precedence over casual play.
- All requests to reserve courts for any club activity must be approved by the Executive.